"Being a good hockey player is easy, being a great hockey player takes practice"
We offer different lessons to fit each players needs

Private/Semi-Private Lessons
Dedicated 1 on 1 time that provides the most learning. We don't just go out and practice, we design a plan tailored to your game and needs to help you reach your goals. Skating is the main focus with drills that are age and skill appropriate, also a great time to work on skills that get often overlooked in team practice. We can help fine-tune all your skills.
Semi Private lessons are 2-3 skaters organized by the client.

Small Group Lessons
Want to share the ice with a few teammates? Small group lessons are a great option if you're looking for a private coaching atmosphere but with less of the price tag. Small group lessons range from 4-8 players. It's a great opportunity to really get out there and work on your skills, maximizing your time on the ice. Skating and skill work is the main focus as players learn by watching others and challenging themselves. Small group lessons are generally arranged by the client.

Team Lessons
Team lessons from Zajac Hockey are a great time to switch up your standard practice routine. Working with your coaches, we can set up a plan designed for your team based on the age and skill ability. This lesson is generally taught on your teams practice ice time for as long as your coach wants.